Get started developing on OneAPI


This section assumes that you have registered users and have retrieved their access tokens using Auth API. If you haven't done that yet, please go through the Quickstart & Authentication section of the documentation.

Product Catalog [API Lists]

Visit Developer Portal for API lists of the Insurance Products that we offer.


API List

This Embedded Insurance API suite gives you the flexibility to build a custom user journey. The API suite comes with the following categories,

  • Lookup APIs [Masters]
  • Quote APIs
  • Proposal APIs
  • Payment APIs
    Visit for more detailed API Docs


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API Documentation

OneAPI has been created based on OpenAPI specifications 3.0 with the help of Swagger, which gives developers a more detailed understanding of each endpoint, their schemas, data-types, parameters, auth, etc.

It comes with samples, examples & payload which help in testing the APIs seamlessly.

Developer Playground


Try this API [Real-time testing]

OneAPI's "Try this API" feature is nothing but a developer playground that comes with a default SANDBOX testing environment.
Developers can test the APIs in real-time without any local setup on their own system.
It also supports multiple programming languages which developers can use as a readymade Plug-and-Play code snippet.
API Response window shows both raw & formatted responses along with the status code.

Have a quick look πŸ‘‰ Try this API section


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